Sunday, 18 October 2015

When she said we were going riding, I'd no idea she meant on a horse! I'd imagined a bike or something. Robin is wondering what they'll be doing in the lesson today. Apparently, when they do technical stuff, she uses loads of energy making the horse move sideways, and round in small circles, and has to watch out for hypos, but if they do jumping and it's a bit scary, her adrenaline gets going and her blood sugar levels rise! Who knew it was so complicated!

 She's just decanting some fruit pastilles into a mini plastic bag to put in her pocket in case she goes hypo on the horse. She's got a lot of pockets in her shirt, and coat, useful for keeping all her bits of testing equipment and hypo treatments. She says it's surprisingly difficult to find clothes with enough pockets that do up securely, for when she can't carry a bag. There are fruit pastilles today and a muesli bar, in case she needs something extra before driving home. There's also a packet of Polos, but she says they are treats for the horses.

We are here, and the horses are being led out. They're huge! They can't find me a pony small enough, I tried one, but my feet just won't reach the stirrups, so I'm just going to watch. I reminded Robin that she ought to tell her instructor that she might need to have some glucose during the lesson. Robin had completely forgotten that she ought to mention it, she hasn't had this instructor for long. (It's all down on her Health and Safety form, but that's filed away safely in the office just in case she ever has an accident.) When she told her riding instructor all about me, the instructor said that she works in a school through the week, and looks after one of the children there who is diabetic, testing her blood and giving her insulin or snacks during the day if she needs them. Robin never knew that. Seems I've got a role in getting people talking to each other about diabetes.

Phew, we are home again, and I managed not to get too muddy! Robin tested after the lesson and before driving home, she said her reading was 11.2, which is a bit high! Sounds like a scary lesson to me, but Robin said, no, it was just one where she needed to concentrate and react quickly, and that can send her blood sugars up too! DFx

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