Monday, 12 October 2015

Today, we’re going to Annette’s work. I got up early and helped make her lunch – it’s all a bit complicated working out how much everything is, as I found out with Flower, but I’m sure I got it right this time.

In work, I was allowed to play on the computer for a bit until she had to start doing some ‘actual work’ as she called it. So I got put away in the drawer for the day, just sticking my head out for air when she wanted to test her blood sugars. Goodness, she does that a lot. I’m told it’s because the stresses of work cause her numbers to be a bit unreliable at times – who knew?   

And then at lunch time, it turns out I didn’t do such a good job with counting the carbs in her lunch. Well, I’d never come across one of those squash-pumpkin-goodness knows type things before except as a lantern at Halloween, so how was I supposed to know how to count it? And it turns out I did it wrong…

Luckily her wizard (who looks very different to Flower’s wizard, but is just as helpful…I think) told her what she needed to do to correct, so hopefully it’ll sort itself out before home time.

Come home time things were returning to normal, and her blood sugar was within bounds to allow her to drive. Apparently, she isn’t allowed to drive if her numbers are too low (under 5) without eating something or really low (under 4, eat, wait until numbers are above 5 for 45 minutes), and she doesn’t like to drive if her numbers are too high, as it might make it difficult to concentrate. But it’s all fine and good to go. You can drive, I like to be chauffeured. DFx

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