Wednesday, 14 October 2015

I got up this morning, and rather than breakfast, I was presented with this:

It’s a cup of herbal tea, apparently. We’re doing a basal test this morning, which means no food! At all! Not even a cup of milky coffee! It’s to check Annette’s basal rates (or background insulin) are set at the correct rate. How am I supposed to function without my caffeine fix? So now I’m counting down the hours until I can have something proper to eat (although I’m told I can have as much herbal tea as I can drink. Thanks.) but there’s lots of testing to be done between now and then. I think sometimes that diabetics will end up like sieves, the number of holes they poke in themselves.

And now, a cannula and full set change! This apparently happens anywhere from daily to every 3 days. And my goodness, it creates a lot of rubbish! Some of said rubbish can be recycled (I do try to be a green fairy, after all, I produce no toxic emissions when I fly around) if you are in the right area – like the plastic pods, for example. Other bits just have to go in the regular waste, and the sharp bits go in the sharps bin (makes sense, when you think about it. Not that I ever had to before.)

I think I'm looking forward to moving on tomorrow - I could do with a rest from all this diabetes malarky! DFx

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