Saturday, 17 October 2015

Well really! That wasn't very polite, I've just had a right old lecture! I thought I was going to meet someone new, Robin was talking about Dawn Phenomenon, and I wondered if she was a rival diabetic fairy, but apparently it refers to the fact that her blood sugar can start going up towards morning, and she seems to be blaming me for this! As if! I put on my most innocent expression and listened politely. She told me she was hoping to show me her new Diabetes Fairy-busting Freestyle Libre. Apparently this gives her a read out of everything I've been up to when she's asleep, she's shown me the print out from her last sensor.

Sounds like Big Brother to me! She seems to blame me for all the dips into the red on her readout. But luckily for me, she can't afford to use a sensor all the time, so she's relying on her normal glucose meter at the moment. She woke up to a reading of eight this morning, and has no idea whether she was high all night, or whether she dipped into the red again at 3am. She says that people with a pump can get their own back on me by altering their basal through the night, but that she's on injections, and once its done for the night, it's done. I hadn't thought about how difficult I was making life for her. Luckily Robin seems to have calmed down a bit now. She says she doesn't blame me, really. But before she got her Libre, she'd have thought she needed to increase her basal if she woke to a reading of 8, whereas now she realises that she dips in the middle of the night, and she knows that would be the wrong thing to do. What she needs is for the  Libre to get a bit cheaper, or available on prescription, so she can use one all the time.

We are going for a walk at Blenheim Palace, so we are packing fruit pastilles, testing kit, insulin for later, I'm beginning to know the drill, ooh, wonder what we're doing later that involves insulin. Her son is doing a heart health challenge at work, and wants to register some more steps on his pedometer. Robin says it will do us all good to get some exercise. I wonder if she's noticed I'm hitching a ride in her pocket, well, my legs are shorter than hers, and anyway, I can look after the fruit pastilles.

The palace is certainly very grand, though we aren't going to see inside. Apparently if you live locally, you can park free at the back gate and walk round the lake on the public footpath. It seems a long way, whoever lives here has a very big garden. But yippee, I heard them talking about a tearoom on the way home.

We are having tea at a garden centre now. Her son says he'll let her look round the garden section in a moment, as long as she doesn't stop and look at every single plant! Pity, I was hoping to see some of my cousins, the ones that put the nice green insects on the plants, and get the snails to make pretty lacy patterns on the leaves, but apparently they've all gone into hiding because the nursery manager got cross with them for some reason. Robin is wondering which cake she can get away with. She'd normally do her insulin at least 30 minutes before she had something to eat, especially cake, but she didn't dare because she was driving. She doesn't have a wizard to help her calculate her insulin, but I'm such an expert now I'm sure I can help, pass me the pencil and paper. What? Do it in my head? Oh no, mental arithmetic was never my strong point, and when I use my wand, I always seem to get into trouble, best leave her to do the maths. Actually, she says it's less to do with maths and more to do with guesswork at times like this, as she doesn't know what the cake weighs, what the ingredients are, how much energy her body is still using after the walk, which way the wind is blowing ( OK, maybe I made the last one up).

Well, that's another busy day, and I've learnt a lot. Robin says we are going riding tomorrow. What on, I wonder? DFx

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