Thursday, 8 October 2015

Down here! Yes I know, I'm like a chameleon, hard to spot in the natural environment.

We are off to town, I say we but I've come on ahead as I was ready with £5 tucked under my wing to buy an Unlimited Fairy Rover Pass. Flower seems to be packing for a long weekend break, glucose meter, spare glucose meter, spare pump cannula and reservoir, spare batteries, back up pen and needles in case of pump failure, fruit pastilles, I mean lighten up lady what's the worst that can happen in a few hours? Oh, a hypo or potential diabetic ketoacidosis if your insulin delivery fails, fair enough, I hadn't thought of that.

Well get a look at this, 

I thought we'd come to the circus but no, it's the Cheltenham Literature Festival full of bookworms, politicians, historians, boffins and celebs chatting about their books. I could do this, just how hard can it be to write an international best seller? I might just hang around looking intelligent in case any publishing agents are talent spotting. This place is a Georgian Spa town, those Georgians could certainly build a nice looking house but it does make me think, you wouldn't have found an insulin dependent diabetic standing here in the 1700's, no insulin to be dependent on. Hmm, very sobering and food for thought.

Talking about food I think it's time we had some. Something called SmartGuard has suspended Flowers pump, wow how space age is that technology!

It works out when her blood sugar is falling too low and cuts off basal delivery to try and stop hypos, clever, I like it a lot.

So my challenge today is to work out the carb value of this bun so she can work out her insulin dose.

Well, quite obviously it's .... 15g?, 47g? 81g? does it matter? How on earth am I supposed to know, there's no label! You can't tell me that diabetics have to go through this tedious rigmarole every time they eat, why don't cafes give you a clue? Oh right, Flower has an app which shows carb values for foods although not specifically this bun, she says it's a bit of guess work and it really does matter how much insulin she gives for the bun else she'll go hypo or hyper. It sort of takes the shine off eating out and having buns doesn't it? I'm starting to think there might be more to this diabetes thing, it does seem a bit more complicated than I originally thought!

Anyway that's me done for now, time for a large glass of wine with some crisps and nibbles, surely they don't affect blood sugar do they?  DFx

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