Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Well, I’ve arrived safely at my new destination, which is quite exciting. I hope they have plenty of mulled wine and mince pies ready, it’s been a hard couple of months for this fairy and about time I wound down for Christmas. My rather frazzled and annoyed-looking host Michelle (she says telling everyone that is quite rude, and she’d much prefer to be described as svelte and lovely, but as my description is closer to the truth she’s going to let it go) says they’re only 5 months diagnosed, so I’m confident I’ll be teaching my host something for a change.  Standing a little taller, and preparing to dish out my very best lecture I politely ask whom I might have the pleasure of teaching the finer arts of carb counting, insulin ratios and injection technique to, when she laughs, points down and says ‘Meet Adam’.

That’s knocked the wind out of my wings a bit, I had no idea diabetes could affect people that small! Michelle says that’s not uncommon: lots of people don’t realise children can have diabetes, and many parents don’t know to watch out for the 4 common warning signs, also known as the 4 T’s – thirst, toilet, tired, thinner. Most people also don’t know that the onset for Type 1 can be quite sudden, and that the relatively rapid onset coupled with a lack of knowledge means a lot of children are quite poorly by the time they are diagnosed, especially since the symptoms can be attributed to so many other things in pre-schoolers! She says that it was purely by luck that Adam was caught while still relatively well – because he was diagnosed on his birthday weekend (she’s not very impressed with me for that, I may have to watch my wings…) - the out of hours doc dismissed her concerns as party fatigue and it was purely down to a wonderful nurse suggesting a test for a urine infection that he was diagnosed.

While my adult hosts may be glowering a bit, Adam and his sister are quite delighted to see me! (I have been informed that Michelle had to sign a non-aggression pact to host me given my ‘dust spillage’ with Adam, but she says if I sprinkle my fairy dust over his sister while I’m here then pact or no pact my wings are going in the fire! Yikes!)

The children are excellent hosts thankfully and are treating me in the manner I was expecting when I began this couchsurfing trip – they have given me a special place to sleep in their room, I’m getting introduced to all of their many toys, they have planned some outings for me and  I get cuddles on tap! This is more like it. I can hear the adults muttering ‘don’t get used to it’ but I think if I can just keep away from them this could be quite a good week….

DF x 

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