Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Hurrah! A good night’s sleep. Susan’s tweaking must have worked. Susan and I feel bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, but sometimes hypos strike without warning.

I thought I might be moving on to my next host today, but Susan said she wants to introduce me to some more of her friends this evening. I wonder who I’ll be meeting. She does know some quite odd people.

I thought I’d better keep up to date on the Diabetes UK forum. I made the mistake of looking at the Advent Calendar. Yuck!!

We’ve been out in the potting shed painting glaze on some of Susan’s pots. She’s already thinking about Valentine’s Day. I hope you like my pendant.

Something else that I’ve learned while being with Susan is that lots of diabetics have other chronic conditions as well, and diabetes really complicates their lives. She thinks that if doctors and nurses had to live some of their diabetic patients’ lives they would be a lot more understanding and helpful. The most help she has had is from the Diabetes UK forum. 3 cheers for the forum – Hip Hooray! Hip Hooray!! Hip Hooray!!!

I helped Susan sort out her next fortnight’s pills. She takes so many that the pretty pink ones won’t fit in her organiser for her morning pills. If she’s got to take them long term, she’ll have to find a bigger organiser, ‘though she says she doesn’t take as many pills as she used to.

The phone went a little while ago and it was a lady called Wendy from the #Superdrug pharmacy. She told Susan they had a parcel for her. Whatever could it be? Let’s go and see. We walked up the road to the shop, waving at the dinosaurs on the way. I could hardly contain my excitement. Alan, the nice pharmacist helped us open the parcel and what was inside?... Some special holders for Susan’s Creon capsules.

What a disappointment!

Gas Level: Gas? What gas?
I didn’t realise that I’ve been living with a TV star for the last few days! Susan says she’s been on TV twice – once in a BBC studio in Southampton with Mr Pearce (her hero, if you remember) and once at home (which involved a lot of frenzied tidying up – Susan doesn’t do minimal!).

She’s also been on the front page of the local paper and had a starring role in a variety of magazines to say nothing of radio interviews. She does these things to raise the profile of pancreatic cancer and the amazing work of Mr Pearce and his team.  #PLANETS or Pancreatic Liver And  NeuroEndocrine Tumours Southampton is a charity set up by Mr Pearce and some of his colleagues.
They are raising money for an IORT (Intra Operative Radio Therapy) machine. Thanks to PLANETS, Southampton Hospital will be the first place in the UK to have one of these machines. You can read more here: http://www.planetscharity.org/about-planets-charity/

Susan has been seen eating a raspberry.

I hope you like her hat! It’s not a very flattering photo of Susan, but it’s a good view of my pottery pendant.

Having given my tiara a polish, I was ready to set off to meet Susan’s friends from the GO Group. This sounds interesting, I thought. I wonder where they GO. They all looked quite normal, thank goodness. It was only when I started chatting to them I realised how bizarre they were. The place was full of people with bits missing! Most of them had bits of asofaguss  essoffugus oasyfegis throat missing. One or two of them had no tum (much easier to spell than stumuck). Then there was Susan, with no tum and a bit of throat missing. Yet, they all seemed to be enjoying eating – seriously weird, in my humble opinion. Some of them were diabetics too. I’m beginning to wonder if there might actually be a thousand diabetics in the world. When I mentioned the word ‘photo’ I discovered why they’re called the GO group.

Arriving back home, Susan asked me if I’d like a wash before I went to bed, but when I discovered she meant in the washing machine I declined her kind offer. I’m very delicate and hand wash only.

Gas level: I thought my next journey was going to be rocket propelled by Susan, but I might have to travel a more conventional way.

I’ve just seen Susan with a padded envelope and I’m getting to know what that means. I think I need a good night’s sleep before braving the Royal Mail again.

Breakfast must be ready… How do I know? Susan has burnt the toast and set off the smoke alarm! What a norrible noise.

Could a strange accent be a symptom of diabetes? I will be continuing my research over the coming weeks. I’ll be practising my elocution just in case. How now brown cow grazing on the green, green grass. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Bye for now. See you in Scotland. I suspect I’ll be glad of my scarf and knitted knickers when I’m there. DFx

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