Sunday, 13 December 2015

Shhh! I’m trying not to type too loudly. You see, it’s midnight and we’ve just got back from the Mexican ‘do’ and Bloden’s gone to bed. Well, I must say, her friends are lots of fun! And the food was spectacular – chicken and beef burritos with black beans, three different ‘salsas’, salads galore, and even a chilli-eating competition (which skidded to a halt when one of the boys started sweating from his eyeballs!). The highlight of the evening though had to be the Mexican chilli-choc fountain (no, I didn’t realise the chocolate fountain was a Mexican invention either).

Just look at those bright green chillis glow – amazing! As you can see, pudding was the main event with Christmas tree and melted-snowman biscuits, almondy chocolate bites, and Bloden’s Mexican fruit salad – which isn’t pictured, so I suppose it was so delicious it had already been eaten at this point. We didn’t really hold out much hope for it when we were making it…

… in fact, it looked so forlorn, Bloden topped it off with a layer of Greek yogurt and some grated 85% dark chocolate. There was so much sugary niceness being consumed, I’m positive I could hear everyone’s little pancreases (or is that pancreai?) whirring away. Or maybe it was the sound of the chocolate fountain. Anyway, Bloden has a hard time guess-timating carbs when she eats out, so she’d only bolused for the burritos and guacamole – pudding was too much of a challenge! However, she did bring one of the Christmas tree biscuits home, “to have as her post-exercise snack tomorrow”. I hope she forgets about it…it seems I snaffled it while I was typing the last paragraph. Oops!

I’m leaving Asturias tomorrow, so I suppose I should go and pack. Bloden has very kindly assembled a little basket of local produce for my journey. “Just in case you get peckish”, she said. What a dear!

I’ve really enjoyed myself in Asturias, it’s a beautiful part of the world. And who’d’ve thought that Spain could be so GREEN!?! TTFN my lovelies…I wonder where I’ll pop up next? DFx

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