It’s freezing cold here today! There’s such a hard frost we
can’t open the car door and the warmest it got all day was -1! I assumed that
this would mean we would stay in and stay warm, but ice is too big a draw for
kids so it’s scarves on and straight outside! Adam’s blood glucose meter has
stopped working though and is showing an odd error message so it’s back home
before long. A quick search online suggests a battery problem but the battery is
just new, so they look on the forums and lo and behold an answer! The meters
don’t like the cold. They’re civilised, like us fairies. Michelle just mutters
that things that can’t handle the cold don’t belong up north.
Hold the press! There’s been a disaster at Adam’s house! Cora
was awfully quiet which is apparently highly suspicious so we went to
investigate and found this:
Cora has broken into Adam’s backpack and eaten all of his
emergency hypo snacks! Thankfully the glucose powder he takes is in bottles she
can’t open but it appears a ‘babyproof’ clip-lock tub full of biscuits is no
match for her determination. Now I understand why all of his kit is kept on high
After stocks were replenished we went off to Softplay for a
little while to burn off some steam. These places are simultaneously heaven and
hell on earth according to Adam’s dad – heaven for the kids since they can quite
literally bounce off the walls, hell for the adults because of the noise. He
says I’ve plenty to say for myself so I’ll fit right in. I don’t know what he
In the afternoon we went over to see Adam’s aunty and his
cousins Izzy and Tom. Aunty Amanda is very organised and as well as having all
of her Christmas decorations up, she has presents wrapped under the tree! I
helpfully point out to Michelle that she might like to do the same, but that
really, they didn’t need to be so generous. After all, however could I carry all
of those presents myself? I reassure them both that I’ll get a forwarding
address for my next destination and they can simply courier the gifts.
In the evening it’s the Sunday night treat of dinner and a
movie for Adam and Cora. We’re watching The Snowman tonight, very festive. It’s
soon time for bed though – Adam’s Levemir has been increased tonight so that
means regular tests through the “wee small hours” as they say up here. I’ll
report on the outcome tomorrow – you don’t really expect me to get up and write
this stuff at night do you? Err, maybe I’m talking to the wrong audience
DF x
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