Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Last night was a bit of a surprise!

Rather than get a nice early night with the kids, I’m dragged downstairs because Michelle says the purpose of my couchsurfing project is to learn about people living with diabetes (I argued it was a bit of a jolly to introduce people to my fabulous self but she is having none of it) and that it is high time that I understood not everyone living with diabetes actually has it.

Confused, moi? Maybe a little.

I’m handed a copy of the parent handbook Adam’s family were given at diagnosis and told to get reading!

Apparently Adam is too young to be able to do things like carb counting, working out doses or injecting yet, so these things all have to be done for him, though he can just about manage to test his BG and can count well enough to tell an adult what his BG is and whether that’s in range or not.

This is surprising since all fairies are clearly born with all the knowledge we need……ahem.

I’m told that while all of this can be difficult, especially with things like injecting when Adam is tired and really doesn’t want an injection, it’s even more difficult to help someone who doesn’t understand why, or even when, they need help. Neither of Adam’s parents have diabetes so they don’t know how a hypo feels or what it’s like to be injected 6+ times a day and finger-pricked 10 times, and have to rely on Adam letting them know, which isn’t always easy for a little person to do. By the time I got to bed I was beginning to understand that I don’t just affect one person each time I have a dusty accident.

Yawn! No lie-ins at this house, it’s up and out to Nursery! I’m introduced to Adam’s teacher and key worker Mrs Jess, who Adam’s parents both say has been fantastic. The school don’t have to inject yet as Adam isn’t in over a mealtime but they do check his BG and do hypo treatments if necessary. Adam’s school have been brilliant since diagnosis but I’m told that not all schools are as good as this one so perhaps once I’m finished my jolly, err, I mean re-education trip, I  can go out and do some educating myself. Not sure I like the sound of that!

The best part of Nursery is snack  - well, all of this learning does make a fairy peckish – and that means time for another BG test. Some of his classmates are quite curious but he is usually pretty happy to let them watch and tell them about his kit. It’s even been decorated, though whoever did it is clearly no artist, I don’t even know what all of those drawings are supposed to be!

I think I’ll head back now and try to improve on these!

DF x

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