Friday, 27 November 2015

Today is a very important day for me, according to Steph.  We are going on a train journey, but she won’t tell me where yet.  I’m hoping it’s luxuriating on the Orient Express!

Sadly the standard of train does not meet with my expectations and we arrive eventually in…. London.  Well, that isn’t exactly exciting – I’ve been here before and was shown around by the lovely Stitch who actually lives here.  My mood improves as we pop out of the underground at London Bridge and I can see the Shard towering above us – ooh, I can’t wait to see the view.   Sadly, Steph takes me straight past the Shard and into Guy’s Hospital.  We go up in the lift and I have to admit that the view is pretty amazing from here.

Steph tells me she is taking part in a really important diabetes trial and that I must pay close attention.  I enjoy meeting Rhanya and Laura and settle in to watch Steph get her injection.

She says it feels like a bee sting.  Steph is having a series of 6 injections over 6 months.  As far as I understand it, the Multipeptide injection is supposed to slow down or stop recently diagnosed Type 1 diabetics from destroying all their beta cells.   They're still looking for people like Steph to take part. I don't qualify, because you have to have been diagnosed less than 4 years and be between the ages of 18-45, and I'm a Fairy, but they say if anyone is interested then to visit their website.

There was a lot more detail, but I’m afraid I was too busy staring out at the view across London and may have mis-remembered some bits…  

On the way back out of the hospital, Steph asks me to recount all the medical details to show how much I am learning about diabetes.  I try my best, but she can tell I wasn’t really paying attention so she says she has a suitable punishment when we get home.

I forget all about this as we visit The National Gallery and Trafalgar Square.

I fall asleep on the way home and wake up to the shock of my life.  I LOOK LIKE THIS!!!

Where are my wings and my lovely sparkly crown?!!

Steph says she will bring them back if I promise to try harder.  If I don’t she says she has worse punishments planned – I might even grow a beard and end up looking like THIS!!!!

Eek!!!! DFx

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Steph says it isn’t decent to be flitting around showing my big fairy butt to all and sundry and if I want to be seen out and about with her, I should knit myself some pants at the very least.  I tell her this knitting lark will be a piece of cake, to which Steph raises an eyebrow.  I am not sure whether she thinks I will have trouble learning to knit, or whether she dislikes my cake reference. 

Steph sorts me out straight away on the train with some children’s knitting needles and wool.  Pah, I’ll pick this up in no time, I think and pick up the jumper Steph is knitting herself.

In…. round… through…. and … oh fairy dust,  this isn’t as easy as it looks!

When we get back to Steph’s mum and dad’s we sit down to watch Doctor Who.  Steph asks me if I will need to hide behind the sofa and everyone laughs.  I give her an annoying hypo so she misses the end of the programme to sort herself out – serves her right.

The next day Steph, myself and her girls head off home in her little blue car, but not before she gets out her testing kit to check she is ok to drive.  

As soon as she gets home, it’s out with the knitting needles again – but she won’t show me what she is making.

On Monday night Steph has an exciting evening planned for me as we are off to see Bellowhead.   Before we leave I am presented with some rather stylish leggings and a sparkly scarf.  

I feel I will be ‘down with the kids at the gig’.  Here is my dancing selfie.  

Steph checks her blood sugar before we go in 5.7.   She wonders with all the dancing whether she ought to have a snack, but decides to risk it.  I notice that every now and again she peers at her hands in the dark and wonder if she is checking out her nail varnish.  She tells me she is seeing if she is going low (her hands shaking are a good first indication).  At the end of the night, before the drive home, we test again – a 5.5 – very pleasing. DFx

Sunday, 22 November 2015

I've been a bit of a naughty DF and haven't been writing up my diary as much as I should.
Fortunately AJLang took photos to remind me about what we did on Sunday.
We had a lie in after the hectic time the day before at the diabetes forum meeting.
AJLang seemed to have a plan for the morning and it was busy. First of all we went to the airfield because AJ's OH has just got his Private Pilot's Licence.

I was disappointed to find out that we weren't going flying, but was then very pleased to find that there was a Christmas Fayre in the hangar.

Next stop was the local garden centre where AJ was thrilled to discover that the shop sold vegetarian Scotch eggs. I was more pleased to find the Christmas decorations.

I hope they've bought me a nice Christmas present:)

AJ's OH then drove us to the other side of town for a nice lunch. AJ has to take lots of medications as well as her insulin. These other medications aren't those for diabetes, but for other conditions. For example a few years ago she had a blood clot in her retinal vein so has daily aspirin to try to prevent it happening in the other eye. She kindly let me hold the tablet box, I didn't have the heart to tell her that she had given me the Friday one, instead of the box for Sunday.

AJ let me choose lunch from the menu and I chose her a vegetarian open sandwich with only one slice of bread and low carb brie, egg mayonnaise and salad.

AJ really liked her meal. We then looked round the shops before heading home. Once we got back AJ was so tired that she went to sleep for two hours. She has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so has to pace herself, but hadn't been very good doing that for the last few days.

We then spent the rest of the day/evening chilling out on the settee. AJ kept having to check her BG levels because she has Gastroparesis and the small amount of carbs from our 1:30pm lunch started pushing her levels up at about 6pm It was a guessing game as to how much they would rise and when.  We then went to bed to sleep 9pm, which is normal for AJLang. DFx

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Saturday was my first day with AJLang. The first thing she did was try to strangle me!! Why oh why would she want harm to come to little me??!! She did mutter something about how I had created havoc for the 45 years that she's had diabetes, especially with the gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a diabetic complication which causes nerve damage to the stomach and can create very erratic BG levels. I didn't know about this.

We met in Birmingham at a special get together to celebrate the diabetes support forum's 7th birthday and world diabetes day. I've been told that alcohol can create problems with BG levels, but didn't stop me from having a large glass of white wine....or maybe two or three, hic.

It was lovely seeing lots of people with diabetes chatting to each other and sharing their tales. It really made me realise how different diabetes is for each person. I met lots of people, including Steph Knits, Northerner, Flutterby, Matt Cycle and Lindarose.
Here I am with Amanda, Northerner and Flutterby, enjoying yet more wine.

It was really great meeting everyone, and Northerner kindly walked me back to the train station. I nearly fell asleep on the train back, but I made it to AJ's house. We shared some very yummy pizza and then settled down in front of the television. We were both happily fast asleep when AJ's other half woke us up and made us go to bed. He claimed that I'd been snoring. Before we went to bed AJ tested her BG level and had a correction dose. She then used her Freestyle Libre, which was on the table by her bed, to check two or three times during the night. Fortunately last night was a good night. Much love DF x

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Oh my goodness! I’ve spent most of the night flitting to and from the powder room! I think it must have been that beer – it was nice, but not as high quality as Stitch’s, I think he must have bought it from a supermarket not a proper brewery. Things seem to have settled down now, but I’m going to be careful about the beer that I drink in future. I wouldn’t mind some more of that chocolate though!

Today has been both dull and exciting in equal measures. Northerner has told me that we are going to attend a big conference for diabetics in Birmingham on Saturday. There will probably be thousands of people there and he says they’ll all want to shake me by the hand (I think that’s what he said, he’s hard to understand sometimes with that accent). 

I want to sound impressive and awesome when they ask me any questions, so I’ve been reading up all about it. I think once I have got through this lot I’ll know all about it! Some of it is a bit dull and technical, but I’ve skimmed over those bits.

So that I can put my newly-acquired knowledge to the test, Northerner has let me loose on the Diabetes Forum! Goodness, what a load of whingers,er, I mean, wonderful people, I never knew there were so many of them! There must be at least 100 diabetics in the country, and I imagine at least another ten or twenty who are undiagnosed.

Ooh! I think I might have caught a Spam! I’m pretty sure that Ugg Boots can’t cure diabetes – in fact, I’m pretty sure there is NO cure for diabetes yet! I might just sign up though, you never know, and in my line of work it could be lucrative…DFx

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Back with Northerner for a few days to catch up and pick up some clean underwear. He raised a few eyebrows as I recounted my adventures, he’s so cynical! Well, OK maybe there were some slight exaggerations, but there’s no denying I’ve had a splendid time being entertained by a succession of remarkable people! I think I’ve learned quite a bit as well, so I’ve been making sure that Northerner benefits from my new insights and I’ve been telling him what he needs to do to control his diabetes – don’t know how he’s managed without me! Think I've lost a bit of weight as well, finding it much easier to hover than I did a month or so ago! Must be all that gardening, horse riding and walking!

Pretty soon after I got back he announced that I should have a good scrub in a hot bath – what a kind, considerate person he is! Actually, he did look as though he was holding his breath a bit and turning his head to the side. I’m guessing that the smell from the horse incident when I was staying with Robin hasn’t quite left me yet. Stitch was very polite, but I did see her wince a bit when she was down wind from me so I had my suspicions…

Aah! That’s better! All scrubbed and sparkling now, with a lovely mug of foaming beer, settling down to a bit of Audrey! He’s even got me some lovely chocolate and told me I must eat absolutely all of it, as it’s important for non-diabetics to know what it’s like before they buy any for their diabetic friends. Not sure what he means by that, but hey – who would turn down this?

I’ve been told to get an early night because he’s got something lined up for me tomorrow. What could it be? Probably got lunch at the Ritz booked in and taking in a West End show. I would imagine. DFx

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Today was a fun day!

Stitch was up nice and early as there was a lot to get done today. But she started her day the usual way, she tested her blood glucose levels (17.3) then had breakfast and a coffee. One of the first jobs she needed to do was make sure the kitchen was ready for this evenings party. So the kitchen got a good tidy up. Then it was a walk round to the shops to get some fresh bread to go with the soup. I still can't see how that weird vegetable she got yesterday will be soup!

When we got back home we helped tidy the garden and get chairs and tables ready for their friends. After a few hours it was time for some lunch. We went along to their favourite place for some food. Stitch had a lovely looking chicken sandwich with some salad. Then we headed back home to finish getting ready for the party.

When we got back Stitch made up 2 big pots of chilli, this is always a favourite with her friends, including a friends grand-daughter who is also a diabetic (type 1).

After making the chilli it was time to make the soup. Those butternut squash things are not easy to deal with! After a while of peeling, chopping, deseeding and some colourful language, the 2 butternuts were cubed ready to go in the pan to become soup. There was loads of it! But Stitch explained that any that didn't get eaten on the night she would freeze in pots to have for lunch at work next week. After soup making we built some chicken and vegetable kebabs. Then people started to arrive!

Some of the food was in the kitchen the rest was outside ready for the BBQ.

They have this party every year and get friends to bring over fireworks instead of food and drink. Some of Stitch's friends normally bring her chocolates, but because they knew Stitch couldn't have them this year they bought her flowers instead.

Once all their friends had arrived it was time for food and fireworks. 

Stitch had to make sure she had some food as she had to take her tablets. But she also wanted to enjoy the night so she did this quite early on so she didn't forget. She was chatting to her friend and grand-daughter who is also diabetic, apparently she has been diabetic since she was little, about 5 (she is now 13). I didn't know that kids could be diabetic too. They started comparing glucose levels. Her ones were totally different to Stitch's and she usually has levels of between 5 - 8. She was then showing Stitch her insulin pump and explaining how it worked. She needed to have some insulin after eating some food. She also thanked Stitch for making the chilli as she really enjoys it. It was then back outside for some more fireworks. They were setting them off for ages and everyone had a great night!

By the end of the night after everyone had gone home Stitch looked in the kitchen and all the chilli had gone but there was enough soup left to freeze for work.

It was time for a cuppa and relax before bed. Stitch had a quick look on her facebook page and noticed a friend request from the girl with diabetes, which she accepted. What a great night! DFx

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Friday started off in the normal way for us, train into London and a nice walk to Stitch's office. 

When we arrived at the office Stitch tested her blood (18.6) then had some breakfast. Straight after eating Stitch had a meeting to go to with her boss about the project she is working on. She found out that they needed to add more stuff into the rule books that she had been working on and it needed to be done by lunchtime that day. Stitch said that it would be fine. When Stitch got back to her desk she put her headphones on and listened to some music, apparently this helps her concentrate more on her work. She was very busy right through to lunchtime, but managed to get everything done for her boss. 

When Stitch finished this it was time for some lunch. Stitch hadn't brought anything from home today but knew she could get a jacket potato and some baked beans from the café round the corner. After lunch it was almost time to go home, well it is a Friday!

Friday is food shopping day for Stitch and her partner, so he picks her up from the station and they go to the supermarket. They get quite a bit of shopping as tomorrow they are having a party with friends over at their house. We will be lighting fireworks! Once they get home all the shopping is put away. I did notice a strange looking thing that Stitch called a butternut squash. She explained that she will make soup with it as its cheaper and healthier than buying tinned soup. A lot of the stuff they bought Stitch will not be able to eat due to her diabetes, so she said she will be doing some bits just for her. All of her friends have been great with supporting her with her diabetes.

After doing some tidying up and cleaning Stitch made some dinner, then they both relaxed for the evening. And instead of reading her book Stitch did some colouring as it helps her relax.

Its an early night for us as we party tomorrow and its going to be a busy day! DFx

Friday, 6 November 2015

Its been another busy day in the life of Stitch.

We went along to work and enjoyed the walk in the morning. Stitch likes to use different routes to get to the office each day so that she doesnt get bored. And its a good way to see different areas when she walks. 

We arrived at the office and Stitch got me a red flower to wear from reception. Apparently a lot of people wear them this time of year. 

The usual morning routine took place, test blood (19.1), have breakfast and coffee. then we started on the work for the day. Stitch i still quite busy with the project she is working on and she knows that the deadline for the finish isn't very far away. She said she'll be glad when it's done as it will be one less thing to worry about. Her work has been very good though and give her the time off she needs to go to doctors appointments and stuff. They will even let her work from home if she is having a rough day.

Stitch went off to the coffee shop for a while with one of her work friends as they hadn't seen each other for a while and wanted a good catch up. The coffee shop near her work have been great too and ordered in some extra sugar free syrup so Stitch could still have her favourite drink. We then went back to the office as it was almost lunchtime. Stitch had her lunch then continued with her work. 

At about 2pm Stitch started feeling a bit rough so made the decision to go home. She felt shaky and woozy, which is unusual for her. She tested her blood just to make sure and it was 17.5. She got on the train and went home. She nodded off on the train for about 20 minutes and felt better when she got off.
When she arrived home she made a cup of tea then started to write her shopping list for the next day. Her other half got home so she started doing dinner. Grilled pork loin, mash potatoes and veg. It looked delicious.
Then she sat and chatted to her partner for a while about christmas and that she hoped her blood glucose levels were sorted by then. He hoped they would be too.
She is looking forward to having some fun this weekend though, and hopes it will take her mind off all the diabetes stuff for a while.
Stitch read some more of her book before going to bed.
I did hear something about the diabetes fairy going for a swim in the Thames on her way to work if she didn't stop playing silly buggers! I hope she wasn't talking about me! DFx

Thursday, 5 November 2015

We are off to work again today. Stitch wanted a coffee to drink on the train so we got one from the nice lady at the Brilliant Coffee Co. at the train station. Stitch always used to get a coffee with nice flavoured syrup in before, but had to stop that when she found out about having diabetes. The lady at the coffee stall noticed this and asked why she didn't want flavoured coffee anymore. When Stitch explained about her diabetes the lady said she would order in some sugar free syrups. Stitch said that would be great. Within a week the lady had ordered 4 different flavours in. Stitch was very grateful that the lady did this for her as it meant she could still enjoy her favourite drink.

It was another busy day at Stitch's workplace. We didn't walk to the office though as it was raining, so we had to travel on the tube. When we arrived at her desk it was time for some breakfast and coffee. After testing her blood, 17.6, another high one. Stitch is hoping that she gets sorted out next week at the doctors. Stitch had a few meetings to go to during the day and she was very busy throughout the day. We did manage to stop and have some lunch though. Stitch used to get food from the canteen in her office, but since finding out about her diabetes she now always takes her own lunch in as she knows exactly what is in it.

We got to walk back to the train station in the afternoon as it had stopped raining. When we arrived home it was time to get ready to go out, Wednesday night is the regular pub quiz night.
When we arrived at the pub we had some drinks then it was time for some dinner. Stitch had an omelette with salad and some new potatoes. The menu at the pub has a lot on it but Stitch knows that an omelette is a safe choice.

After a few drinks, diet coke as normal, it was time to start the quiz. It was another music quiz. Some of the questions were quite hard.

The quiz master brought round a tube of chocolates for all the teams. Stitch passed hers on to another team member. Sure a couple wont hurt? But Stitch wont have any until she knows she can bring her glucose levels down and control her diabetes better, but will only have them as a treat.

A couple of hours after eating dinner Stitch went off to test her blood again, 19.4! Stitch's fingers must get sore where she keeps on testing. But she says its good to see what her readings are and see how different things affect her. But as her readings are high all the time she struggles to see what causes it.  At the end of the quiz the places were read out. Woohoo, we won! Maybe we will celebrate. Nope time to go home.

When we arrived home Stitch sorted out lunches for the next day and made a cuppa. We sat and relaxed for a while and read some more of her new book. All these high readings and not being able to work out why are starting to get her down a bit. Stitch really hopes that seeing a different doctor next week will give her the answers that she needs.

We're off to bed soon as we have to go to work again in the morning! DFx

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Today was an exciting day as I got to go to Stitch's work place in Central London.
It was dark when we left the house for the train station. We managed to get a seat on the train, Stitch said its one of the advantages of living where she does. We got to Liverpool Street and I was excited as I thought we was going on the tube again, I enjoyed it yesterday. But then we venture outside the station. Her office must be near this big station then. Stitch then explained to me that she walks to her office in the mornings which is about 40 minutes away. This girl certainly likes a walk. The only time she doesn't walk is when its raining heavily.  

We arrived at this huge building near Southwark station, there is a tube station right opposite the building that Stitch could very easily use, but she enjoys her walk. We passed the lifts and started to walk up the stairs, 7 floors later we reach the area where Stitch works. She said she always uses the stairs in the morning! We get to her desk and its now time for breakfast and coffee. But first Stitch tests her blood glucose, 17.8 this morning. Stitch seems to be getting frustrated now with these high numbers.

After breakfast it's time to do some work. Stitch works for a big company based in London called Transport for London. She has worked for the same company for 18 years now, she really enjoys her job. She used to be a train driver! She now works as a manager on the team that write and manage the Rule Books that staff have to work to. She is very busy at the moment with a big project that she is working on with other members of her team. Apparently this company runs the Tube system that we travelled on, that's why she didn't have to look at the map to see where we was going yesterday!
Stitch says it is thanks to her work she found out about her diabetes. At the beginning of August she attended a Health Fair in her building where they check weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol. The nurse on the day was shocked that Stitch's blood glucose came in at 26.6!!! She was shocked that Stitch had no symptoms of diabetes. So she gave her a letter to take along to her doctors to get checked out.
As well as doing her normal work stuff Stitch is also a Physical Activity Champion and helps and encourages people in her workplace to get more active. She organises lunchtime walks a couple of days a week for people in her building and she produces a monthly newsletter with lots of information in it. 
We had a spot of lunch then we went out for a stroll as it was a nice day. It was only a quick 20 minutes walk, but Stitch said it helps to clear her head and get ready for the afternoons work.
At the end of the day it was time to go home. This involved the 40 minutes walk back to Liverpool Street station then the train home. 

As it was a tuesday Stitch goes along to her weight watchers meeting to get weighed. So far she has lost just over 7 stone! Stitch gained 2lb last night but wasnt too worried as she knows why. We stay and have a cuppa and a chat then the leader gave a talk. One of the things she talked about was cutting down on sugar. Something Stitch now knows a lot about!

Then it was a walk home. Yep, this girl definitely likes a walk!

She cooked some dinner for her and her partner, its normally something quick on a Tuesday as Stitch is late home because of her weight watchers meeting. A couple of hours later Stitch tests her blood again 22.9, she is definitely getting frustrated by these high numbers now.

Time for a cuppa before bed, we have work again in the morning.  DFx

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Today was an exciting day for Stitch, we was attending a Living With Diabetes Day. We left early as we had to get the train to the other side of London. It was still dark when we arrived at her local station and boarded a train to London. When we arrived at Liverpool Street station it was time for some breakfast. Stitch knew just the place for a nice healthy breakfast. We ordered our food then grabbed a table. While waiting for her scrambled eggs to arrive she tested her blood glucose, 17 again. Why aren't they coming down?! We finished breakfast and a cuppa then we ventured down and onto the tube system. The map looked very confusing to me but Stitch didnt even look at it, she just walked straight to the platform and onto the train, we went a few stops then had to change onto a different train. It was very busy and we had to stand up. I stayed safely tucked away as I'm small and might have got lost in the crowds. After about 30 minutes on the tube we had arrived at the station we needed. After a short walk we arrived at the hotel where the day was being held. We got our goody bag and name tag which had the days activities on it. We found a good seat and got ready to learn a bit more about living with diabetes. Stitch placed me in the goody bag so that I could look through some of the leaflets and stuff in there.

The day started off with an introduction on what diabetes is and how insulin affects the body. Then there was 3 different workshops to go to. The first one was all about day to day aspects like work, insurance and driving. Stitch had read about these things already when she was diagnosed. It also went through the 15 health checks that diabetics should get.

After the first workshop it was time for some lunch. There was a nice buffet put on for the people attending and Stitch had some chicken and salad.
Then the afternoons workshops were Eating and food then managing diabetes.

The eating and food session was a bit more useful as it went into swaps that should be made with regards to food and how some foods will affect the blood glucose levels more than others. It also explained how to read food labels. Stitch has already made loads of food swaps both for losing weight then when she found out about her diabetes. And I know she checks labels as she was doing this when we went food shopping last week.

The last session was about managing diabetes. Stitch didn't really enjoy this session as she felt that she didn't really get anything out of it as it was a case study with a fictional scenario to go through and it didn't seem to benefit her much. Although it was a useful day in some aspects, Stitch came away not learning much new. She explained that since her diagnosis she has visited websites and read several books and knew all the stuff that was told to her today.

We left the hotel and started the journey home. i did enjoy the train again though. When we arrived back at home Stitch read through some of the leflets in the bag and let me wear her name tag.

There were a couple of letters waiting for Stitch when we got home too. One was from the Diabetic Eye Screening people saying that her results were all clear and they would see her in 1 years time and the other was from a local clinic inviting her to attend a S.T.E.P.S diabetes training course, Stitch is hoping that this one is more useful.

After dinner, grilled cod, new potatoes and veg, Stitch made an appointment to see her doctor again as she is worried that her blood glucose levels are still very high.
Now its off to bed, we are going to work tomorrow! DFx

Monday, 2 November 2015

I thought Sunday was a day of rest, how wrong could I be! Stitch was up early again, testing her blood (another disappointing 18 today), having some breakfast and a cuppa. 

She was up early as we were going for a walk with her best friend Karen. Ooooh, more shopping? Nope, they were planning on doing approximately 12 miles today! They do this most Sundays, as long as its not raining. 

Stitch explained that over the past 2 years she has been losing weight and the extra walking has helped her lose 7 stone so far. She has also completed several charity walks in this time and its all good practice. So far she has signed up for 2 next year, including the 10km winter run and the 25km Thames Path Challenge. It was a lovely walk and we even stopped and had a cup of tea half way round. 

When we got back home it was time for some lunch and then out to get some bits ready for the party next Saturday. Shopping was fun as we looked at loads of things for Christmas. There was lots of yummy goodies in one of the garden centres and Stitch was looking at all the labels. In the end she ended up buying some flavoured coffee and some nuts for the garden wildlife. She did buy several things that she kept on calling treats, but when we got home I soon realised that these yummy looking treats were for her cat! I am starting to wonder what Stitch can have for a treat as there isn't many things in her cupboards apart from healthy foods for breakfast and dinner.

After returning from walking and shopping, Stitch catches up on housework on a Sunday. So we cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, tidied up the lounge and the bedroom and put away the laundry that was done. Whilst in the bedroom I noticed lots of shiny things hanging on the curtain pole. Stitch showed these to me and explained that they are some of the medals that she has got from taking part in charity walks! And she wants to keep adding to them for as long as she can.

Tomorrow we are not going to Stitch's work, instead she is taking me along to a Living with Diabetes Day in London. She is hoping to get more advice on how she can lower her blood glucose levels and hoping to meet up with like minded people. DFx

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Well what a busy day Saturday was with my host. I didn't think she was going to sit down!
She woke me up at about 8 in the morning, I'm glad I'm visiting at a weekend or we would have been up at 5.30 in the morning for work. The day didn't start too great when Stitch tested her blood glucose levels. 19!!! That shocked her a bit and she started to think about what she had the night before, surely 1 pack of mini cheddars wouldn't do that. They are now off the safe snack list (just in case!).

After having some breakfast of Weetabix and a cup of coffee, followed by medication, it was time to get ready to walk to the shops. This involved an almost 2 mile walk. Had a lovely walk round the shops buying birthday cards and pressies for friends, Christmas pressies, slippers and boots. I pointed out some lovely boots to Stitch but was told that they are not very practical, even if they were very pretty. Rather than the nice fancy boots with the high heel Stitch bought some nice flat boots with a fuzzy furry lining and some nice purple spotty slipper boots. Stitch explained that she gets really cold feet especially of an evening and being aware that high blood sugar levels over a long period of time can cause problems with her feet and toes, she doesn't want to take any risks and wants her feet to be nice and snug and warm in the chillier days/nights that are coming.

We didn't have to walk home as Stitch's partner picked her up to take her for some lunch then they were going to a brewery! We all drove off to a really nice country pub for some lunch, its the same place we went for the quiz! Stitch had a lovely sandwich with grilled chicken and brown seedy bread. It should have come with chips, but she asked for some salad and crisps instead as she knew the chips would push her levels too high. I preferred the look of her partners food. It was a plate of nacho's with chilli, cheese, sour cream and guacamole on them. Stitch used to eat these all the time but doesn't anymore. We might be going back tomorrow for lunch!
After lunch we drove out to a brewery to collect some beer. My host and her partner are having a party next week where all their friends come over have some beer, bbq food and set off some fireworks. Sounds like a good night. The brewery was good and they got lots of stuff from there, including a barrel with 72 pints of beer in it.

After the brewery we went to a big warehouse style shop to get some food and stuff ready for next weekend. They got lots of packs of meat stuff ready for the bbq and Stitch mentioned that she would also make some chilli and soup for people. Also she knows exactly what will be in those so will be safe for her to have instead of processed meat.
From there it was back off home to get ready to go to a friends birthday party. But they needed to make sure they had dinner before they went. Stitch knew that there would be a buffet at the party but didn't know what foods there would be. So they made sure they had dinner before going. As a treat they went to their favourite steak restaurant just around the corner. The staff in there know them and will happily change things to fit in with what Stitch can eat. After dinner it was time to party. Off we went. When we got there it was straight to the bar for a drink. Yep, you guessed it, diet coke! Stitch says that everywhere has diet coke so it is a nice easy safe option for her. We spent a few hours there chatting to friends and avoiding the buffet (especially when the huge cakes came out). But we had a great night. Then it was off home.
When we got home it was finally time to sit down and relax with a cup of tea, we had done a lot of running around today. Before drinking our tea Stitch tested her blood again, a 16.9, still very high but lower than the 19 she had this morning.
Now time to relax....... Nope! Lets read some more of Stitch's new book before bed.

I hope Sunday is more relaxing! DFx